A winning generation
Putting a face on numbers
We visited the outskirts of Mzimba with our pragmatic calculations and dreadful statistics, and so arrogantly one might say, knowing the true costs of teenage pregnancies and the lack of sexual rights.
An awful amount of youngsters are affected by the lack of comprehensive sexual education, lack of a resourceful health system and the lack of the right facilities to deal with all this in their local communities. Knowing this might be sufficient to make one want to strive for a much needed change.
In a nutshell
We can explain, draw lines and throw facts. This is an important step to create an overview, but must not be mistaken as the means of telling a story. You can know a lot about someone by knowing their income, their address or even the most personal details of their life. However, the only way to really know someone’s joy and struggle, is by hearing them present their own story, on their own premises.
Gathering stories
During our visit we experienced a generation of young people striving for a better future, with the willingness to take part in the shift their country needs. There is no doubt in our minds that their opportunities are held back by economical and cultural forces out of their control, but there is no justice in calling them a “losing generation”, as the numbers might indicate. They have been losing for a long time, but what the statistics hardly present is the tireless optimism found in this young people. The stubborn fight, fought by the competent health care professionals, knowing the challenges and the possible solutions. This needs to be addressed and lifted up!
This is a winning generation, and we want to support their strive for a better future!
Creating outlines for a campaign
We do believe that we have succeeded with raising awareness around important issues in former campaigns. Thus, we think there is a strong foundation to build an even greater movement around the campaign of 2020. The issues we are faced with this time really resonated in all of us, making it of great importance to pass our message out into the general population.
Most importantly, there is no doubt that we depend on our partners to make great campaigns happen. We are always looking for unexplored opportunities to do fundraising, and our hope is to recreate earlier success in an optimized figure, as well as following those ideas that are yet to be explored.
This time we want to collaborate to make a unique sweater, which, by its design and quality, represents the teenagers of Malawi, with great integrity.
Wearing a piece of garment which represents someone’s story, is a great gesture, as well as a comprehensive way of showing one’s support.
Sweatercampaign 2.0
1 week of thoroughly planned promotional activity.
Celebrities, NGOs, schools and businesses promoting our message in SoMe
Interactive online content that thoroughly tells the story we are “selling” through the campaign
Sale through Livid Jeans online, with all our activity directing followers there
How we are going to limit the sale in time can be discussed
National/local/regional media appearance
A limited pre-sale on 50-100 items per city held in advance of the campaign, drawing attention to the campaign, as well as making the sale exclusive
Trondheim, Oslo, Bergen, Tromsø, as well as 2-4 cities in Eastern-Europe
Posters and “teaser elements” distributed all around the cities and faculties the night before campaign drop
All these are ideas, and will be discussed further
The search for a design
A minimalistic approach - with or without text.
The garment is supposed to be something that you would want to wear, yet something sustainable which lasts for a long time and represents the people who’s cause we are raising.
These are just ideas, and we would love your feedback! When we have created something that we all are happy with, we will take this to our graphical designer, to make printable designs.